Monday, May 2, 2011

That's, like, totally awesome!

First off, I apologize for my hiatus - I've been a bit under the weather. Three cheers for bronchitis!
Now, back to our regular programming. Today's cupcake was inspired by two things. First off, one of my coworkers mentioned how I need more color in my envelopes. So I decided to use color to show her that I can get creative with color, if I feel so inclined. My second inspiration was my cough meds. I get bad allergies, so I take cough meds to deal with them (and when it gets real bad, I get bronchitis). On this particular day, I remembered a story a friend told me about how, when she was little, her mom used to purposefully give her more cough meds that needed, just so she and her sister would start tripping, which would take them out of her hair for a while. I found that story pretty funny (which is probably why I don't have children).
So today's envelope is a throwback to the 60's, where psychedelic posters were just so, like, totally cool, man.

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