Sunday, March 11, 2012

Family Guy

So, my daddy and I love watching Family Guy. We sit down and watch new episodes together. I think it's because I occasionally have to explain pop culture references to him. The day I made this, I was drawing a blank and so I texted BroPop (as he is affectionately called) and BroPop mentioned Family Guy.

Well, one thing lead to another and BAM! Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and Brian, in their cupcake glory. I can see this becoming one of those episode flashbacks.

Peter: At least it's not like that time we were cupcakes...
*Flashback to the family as cupcakes*
Person starts licking the frosting off of Peter. Peter flinches.
Another person starts licking the frosting off Chris.
Chris: Hey, that feels good! Whee! Again, again!

Wow, I need to get a life. 

Peter and Lois and Stewie




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