Friday, March 23, 2012

About to leave for work ... but this is how I feel while driving there

Confession: I think I'm a lot cooler than I actually am. I drive a beat up Volvo (affectionately known as Vincenzo). It sounds like crap, the inside is a veritable library (I must have at least 40-50 books in my backseat), the trunk smells like old food (which I am sure is hidden somewhere), and the radio antenna isn't attached, so I have to stick my hand in the tape deck in order to get reception. Oh - it has a tape deck...that says enough, doesn't it? BUT I LOVE MY CAR. No one rocks better than Vincenzo.

That being said, I am guilty of putting on my sunglasses, rolling through town, radio blasting (mostly static, but that's OK - it's gives me street cred), hand out the window, ignoring my fellow drivers because I am obviously cooler than they are. I mean, c'mon, look at this envelope. I am cooler than this cupcake, ok?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

And now, for something a bit different!

Last summer, my friends and I were hanging out and decided to draw on her driveway with sidewalk chalk. When was the last time anyone our age decided to do this?

Of course, I had to draw some cupcakes. It's only natural.

Of course, I drew more than just cupcakes, but a rabid unicorn and yo' mama jokes aren't exactly the theme of this blog.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cupcake Everdeen

I actually drew this envelope because I appreciate archery. I used to practice archery in my youth at my summer camp and I loved it. There was something very empowering about firing a pointy object at a target. Given, I really sucked at it, but it was fun nonetheless.

I decided to post this because Hunger Games is coming out in theaters next week! I love the book, which is what inspired the cupcake, although initially, it was supposed to be Gale and not Katniss, hence the masculine cupcake. Oh well, this can be Katniss pre-Cinna makeover.

Monday, March 12, 2012

I vant to suck your icing...

Not that the title sounds dirty or anything...

Anyway, I am a vampire fan. Twilight, True Blood, Dracula, Nosferatu, etc. I don't care if they eat animals or human flesh or drink blood...I just think they are awesome. 

So this is my shout out to all you sanguine lovers out there! Suck on, my friends, suck on!  

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Family Guy

So, my daddy and I love watching Family Guy. We sit down and watch new episodes together. I think it's because I occasionally have to explain pop culture references to him. The day I made this, I was drawing a blank and so I texted BroPop (as he is affectionately called) and BroPop mentioned Family Guy.

Well, one thing lead to another and BAM! Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and Brian, in their cupcake glory. I can see this becoming one of those episode flashbacks.

Peter: At least it's not like that time we were cupcakes...
*Flashback to the family as cupcakes*
Person starts licking the frosting off of Peter. Peter flinches.
Another person starts licking the frosting off Chris.
Chris: Hey, that feels good! Whee! Again, again!

Wow, I need to get a life. 

Peter and Lois and Stewie




Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm like a bird, I wanna fly awaaayyyy

Long time, no write! Well, oddly enough, I totally forgot about this blog after my vacation and I *just* remembered it now. I am probably going to have to draw/paint more cupcakes, because I only have a few more cupcake envelopes left over!
I still work for Bettie's Cakes, but we have to switch up our envelopes, so now, it's near impossible for me to get a good drawing out. Plus, the summer was so busy on DeeDee that I had maybe 5 spare minutes a day.
This envelope I drew back in May. I was bored, tired, and not motivated. So, of course, I drew something just as bland and boring: birds. A lot of people like birds - my cat loves them more than anything. So, in honor of my Sushi cat, have some freakin' birds.