Monday, May 16, 2011


Hey everyone! I am working on new envelopes, but it's been rather hectic at work. Last week, DeeDee was injured - she needed her transmission fixed, so I didn't work until Saturday! So I have one envelope from last week and a few from the week before...

But does that ever stop me from doing something I like? Nope! Even at my friend's house, I was drawing cupcakes - wait until you see what I came up with! It's pretty awesome!

So hold tight, cupcake fans, and be ready for some kickin' cupcakes.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I was gunna save this one for the fourth of July...but I love it too much to keep it in the wings. I am a loud proud American. I am also a loud and proud New Yorker. Usa! Usa!
Hopefully I can think of something for the fourth of July now...maybe exploding cupcakes?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Surf's Up, Brah!

So this is my celebratory "I got my first sunburn of the year" picture! Yesterday, two of my best friends and I were drawing on the driveway with chalk (yeah, I drew cupcakes. So sue me.) and I totally forgot that I am pale. After living for the past four years in tropical environments, I forgot that when my skin pales for the winter in a temperate environment, like upstate New York, it burns the first time it sees sun.
So, in celebration of my sunburn, which has tanned nicely overnight, here are two surfing cupcakes. Again, can you tell that I am very excited about my vacation? 2 AND A HALF MORE WEEKS UNTIL HAWAII!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Royal Wedding

I swear, I was not obsessed with the royal wedding. At all. I just wanted to see her dress and I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping for something dramatic, like Princess Diana, but it looked like something off the rack at David's Bridal. Now, don't get me wrong, it was a pretty dress, but it didn't look royal to me.
However, William looked dashing, I must say, in his military uniform. and Kate did look beautiful, as always.

Good luck to the royal couple!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The only downside to working at Bettie's... that the cupcakes melt in the heat.
I think it got up to 75 this day and I couldn't get the AC going on the bus, so my cupcakes were slowly melting. I started rotating them in the fridge for a half hour and then I would take them out for a half hour. It was pretty brutal.
Luckily we had only two cupcakes lose their frosting. Everyone else survived.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Can't wait for vacation!

As much as I love my job, I do miss my home, Hawai'i. Si I am going on a two week vacation in June to Hawai'i and to visit my Mattie in Los Angeles, as well as to look for a psychology job for next year somewhere out there. I hope to go snorkeling while in Hawai'i, so here are my FIVE tropical-themed cupcakes! Can you spot them?

The octopus or he'e

The butterfly fish, kikakapu

The kihikihi, Moorish Idol

The yellowtail tang (I don't know the Hawaiian word for this - can anyone help me out?)

And my favorite, the Honu, the sea turtle!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dawn of the Cupcake, 28 Cupcakes Later, Resident Cupcake, etc etc

I admit, I am a die-hard zombie movie fanatic. There is something so terrifyingly funny about dead people chasing you down because they want to eat you! My favorite zombie movies have to be the 28 Days Later series - those zombies are pretty freaky. Dawn of the Dead and the rest of the series is pretty awesome as well. 
So, in honor of some of ym favorite movies, I present the Cupcake Zombies!  
From Left to Right: Phil (bottom), Frankie (top) and Tony, the zombie enforcers.

And their victim, Clarice.
Speaking of Clarice, wouldn't Hannibal Lector be an awesome zombie? I better get credit for that idea if anyone ever uses it in a movie! Silence of the Dead, maybe?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cupcake Kong!

You know those airplanes don't really care if Miss Ann Darrow falls to her death. They just want some of that sweet sweet buttercream. Also, if Ann Darrow dies, it just means more cupcake on the ground for everyone to enjoy!
Also, that is a Bailey's Irish cream cupcake in the corner - it's what I imagine Cupcake Kong would have tasted like.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Nurse's Office

The day I made this, my dear Mattie called me, feeling a bit under the weather. So I made him an envelope to cheer him up! I took this picture with my cell phone and sent it to him. He felt better later on, so maybe the power of cupcakes runs strong!
Either that, or he was faking it to get my sympathy. It's been known to happen. ;)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ahoy Matey! Batten down the hatches!

I had such a blast doing the Pirates of the Caribbean envelope, that I opted to do another pirate theme! This time, Peg Leg I Sing and Captain No Eye Bettie are taking over the seven seas with their great ship, the DeeDee. Oh, and a few cannonballs. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

That's, like, totally awesome!

First off, I apologize for my hiatus - I've been a bit under the weather. Three cheers for bronchitis!
Now, back to our regular programming. Today's cupcake was inspired by two things. First off, one of my coworkers mentioned how I need more color in my envelopes. So I decided to use color to show her that I can get creative with color, if I feel so inclined. My second inspiration was my cough meds. I get bad allergies, so I take cough meds to deal with them (and when it gets real bad, I get bronchitis). On this particular day, I remembered a story a friend told me about how, when she was little, her mom used to purposefully give her more cough meds that needed, just so she and her sister would start tripping, which would take them out of her hair for a while. I found that story pretty funny (which is probably why I don't have children).
So today's envelope is a throwback to the 60's, where psychedelic posters were just so, like, totally cool, man.