Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'll never let go...

If Forrest Gump is my favorite movie, Titanic is definitely my second favorite. My entire family loves this movie - we can recite it all line for line and my younger sister can even cue every sound effect, ie: "Cal smacks Rose."
My all time favorite scene has to be the scene when Jack and Rose first kiss on the bow of the ship, the last time the Titanic ever saw daylight.
Now, if we were to replace all the characters with cupcakes, call the ship the Cupcanic and use crayons to make a sunset, it looks a lot more delicious.Seriously - you see that whipped frosting for Rose's hair? Yum! And Leo DiCaprio as a cupcake looks so much more yummier (not that he isn't already, but as a cupcake, you can, literally, eat him up!). So, this my friends, was the last time the Cupcanic ever say daylight.

And yes, every time I see a foggy window, I DO make a handprint, thanks for asking.

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